Follow My Thoughts

The Author

The Author
"Don't be offended. This is all MY opinion. Ain't nothin' that I'm sayin' [law]..."

Monday, June 21, 2010

Relationships: How Long is Long Enough?

If you're like me me, you have relatively low patience when it comes to certain things. For example, when the light turns green I'll give the person in front of me a certain amount of time to put the "pedal to the medal" before I'm laying on my horn and yelling "Go the HELL ON!!!" lol.

I think the the same same view should be applied to relationships, well (not the yelling part) but you know what I mean lol.  I was asked by a friend, "How long is TOO long to wait on a guy who isn't picking up my hints that I want to take it to the next level?"

Okay, like I mentioned before, I have little patience for what I feel is "bullshit". If a person is in the "talking" stage of their relationship with their partner and they've been there for what seems to THEM longer than necessary, then MOST LIKELY that other person is stringing him/her along. Point, blank, and simple. Now I can't speak for others as to "how long is too long" to wait...that person just needs to follow their own heart on that issue because THEY are the one dealing with it.

In conclusion, YOU have to decide whether you have the time and patience to wait for your significant other to "come around"...OR, you can confront that person head on about what you're feeling. From that point, you can take their answers at face value, good or bad, and decide from there. Most people reading this are too young to be "stuck on stupid". So, if you don't like what you hear, your best bet is to keep it movin...that is all.

-Tania AKA Nia Janei...THE Prototype


  1. Why does a grown woman need to wait or drop hints? Just tell the man you want to take things a step further and let him tell you if he is ready. If he wants to he will let you know you so the guessing game is really unnecessary.

  2. ok. thanks for the feedback. but if you read what i wrote thoroughly you would know that i mentioned coming out and ASKING a person "what the deal is..."...however, im very appreciative of you taking the time out to read my blog.
    Thanks, Tania
