Follow My Thoughts

The Author

The Author
"Don't be offended. This is all MY opinion. Ain't nothin' that I'm sayin' [law]..."

Monday, August 30, 2010

Interpersonal Rescission

If I could pour out my affection...into a million's potency...would still take you for a loop... If I could give to you... ALL of myself...without feeling cheated...that'd be God's blessing to me...or God's miracle rather. If I could spread my sentiments... across every'd still be strong enough to support you... but I assume that's STILL not good enough for you. So self-interested, you don't even give a damn.

I want to give you ALL of me...leaving not a drop, piece, or even a crumble ... but I can't oblige...'cause it's the same as being a fool...YOUR fool to be exact...WHY?...I refuse to be another "fool for love"... because TRUE love doesn't recruit fools. I refuse to relay my mind, spirit, and heart to another thief. A bandit of my true intentions... a squander of my heart's inclination. So, I've decided to longer will I be vulnerable to reckless hands...I want me back. 
--Tania AKA Nia Janei...THE Prototype

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


"Take a chance on love,
Don't lock your heart up because you've been hurt."
....This is so easy for people to say who haven't seen the bottomless pits of this emotion...past experiences still spilling over into my daily...

"Don't take advice from people who are single and aren't even in a relationship of their own. She don't know what she talking about! She don't even have a man."
....This is so easy for people to say, not realizing that maybe that person is alone because they are waiting for that person who's WORTH waiting for...I couldn't disclose to you what I don't know, or haven't experienced...

"Mind your business, this is MY life!...not yours."
....This is so easy for people to say...but if the endeavors of YOUR life affect me in some kind of way and you constantly make me a factor in YOUR equation, don't be mad when I spew out a resolution.

---unfiltered, random thoughts, no specific situation, just a plethora of ongoing experiences---
--Tania AKA Nia Janei...THE Prototype