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The Author
"Don't be offended. This is all MY opinion. Ain't nothin' that I'm sayin' [law]..."

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Reality TV: Hit or Miss

Whatever happened to good ol' fashioned sitcoms? You know... the ones that used to come on primetime ABC and NBC ??? Seems like the art of making people laugh has been thrown out the window and traded in for the modern garbage that entails MOST of the reality tv today. Good sitcom shows like Martin, Family Matters, Moesha, The Fresh Prince...on down to The Game, have become obsolete and replaced with "thrown together" bullshit! There used to be an art to writing scripts good enough to make people "die laughing", but today it seems all producers have to do is put a cast of ignorant acting people together in a house and call it "entertainment". The quality of network tv just gets worse and worse as the years go by; and, the script for these sorry ass reality shows get more and more predictable. Producers and writers continuosly enable sorry ass people aiming to get their "15 minutes of fame" and this is starting to get on my damn nerves!

Moving along, there are 3 main types of reality shows...(1) those looking for "love"...(2) competitive based, and (3) the "simple ass squaters" know those with people just looking to party while staying in somebody ELSE'S crib. i.e.: The Real World, College Hill, and the infamous Bad Girls Club.

As I mentioned before, reality tv is definitely scripted. We all know certain people are casted to raise ratings. Casting loud, belligerent, narcissistic people is the trademark of highly rated, reality tv shows. I guess in this case, stupidity sells. I've watched enough tv to know that the way producers set up elimination on "dating" reality tv is so that there can be part 1, 2, and 3 of shows like "Flavor of Love". The trick is to pick the seemingly "right" girl but make sure she has at least one flaw that makes it NECESSARY to go on ANOTHER pursuit of love...hence the parts 2 and 3. The same thing can be applied to competitive shows like "I Want to Work for Diddy".

Bottomline, reality tv is a definite downgrade from tv back in the day; and we all know reality tv is never really reality tv...meaning it's scripted to SOME degree. My point is if its producers are going to underhandly script fights and other nonsense...then why not go the extra mile and make a sitcom or drama...or SOMETHING of substance? Reality tv doesn't have any...and after a while...we're going to get tired of seeing bitches (excuse my language) much ignorant sh** can a person with any level of intellect take? Yet, the sad thing is...we pretty much have no other options for tv entertainment... There are so many things I could go into about the "ins and outs" of reality...but I think I'll leave that to a later post :-).
--Tania aka Nia Janei...THE Prototype

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