Follow My Thoughts

The Author

The Author
"Don't be offended. This is all MY opinion. Ain't nothin' that I'm sayin' [law]..."

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

WEAVE...Taboo???... STILL???

*in my Antoine Dodson voice* “WELLLLL!!!……APPARENTLY… “WEAVE” is STILL a “Touchy”, “Sensitive”, or “Taboo” subject!” LOL. Nah, but really, I personally don’t understand what the big deal is about women wearing weaves, tracks, fake hair…whatever you want to call it…??? I myself don’t wear weave at the moment, but I have in the past; and, I would be remiss to say that I won’t wear it in the future.

Nevertheless, even as we are approaching 2011 there are STILL people who look down on, and even despise the fact, that some women wear weave. They see women who wear this hair style as “sell outs” or as being ashamed of who they naturally are. Some feel that women who wear weave are trying to be someone they’re not. They put a LOT of negative connotations on wearing weave as it being the manifestation of a deeper problem with us as Black women not being comfortable in who were are as BLACK women. I’d have to disagree with all of this. Although I’m not an avid “weave wearer”, I generally don’t believe these women are “sell outs”; and I don’t believe they’re purposefully trying to “trick” people into thinking that that’s their “real hair”. Seriously, I’m almost completely sure every woman who wears weave on a regular basis is highly aware of the fact that people are going to be curious. With this being said, I’m also pretty sure that the brave soul bold enough to ask the infamous question, “o_0…Is that your real hair?” will get an honest answer…an answer with slight attitude possibly, but an honest answer nonetheless.

I also feel a lot of women wear weave because it’s convenient and because it gives them freedom of expression with their hair. To many women, hair is an accessory, much like shoes, purses, earrings, etc.  Black hair is so versatile in terms of styling, the possibilities of expression are endless. Those possibilities can range from going back to basics (becoming natural), relaxing our tresses (chemical processing), to adding extensions (braids, twists, tracks, wigs, etc).  

Furthermore, I’ve done almost EVERYTHING to my own hair: weaves, braids, relaxers, wigs, hair dyes, whatever, so unlike a lot of other people I’m very open to trying new things with my hair. Yet, I feel like some women lowkey are too intimidated to try something new for fear of the stigma that society will place on them. For example, a while back, someone literally told me, “’s just the idea of fake hair…I just can’t do it.” Funny how this SAME person, wears “fake hair” on a REGULAR basis now. So all I have to say to her is, “REALLY hun, who were YOU fooling?”

Another point I want to make is I find it rather amusing and slightly annoying when men and women turn their noses up at women who wear weave as if that’s “beneath” them. All I have to say to that is “PUHLEASE!” lol. I get a sense that a lot of men feel women wearing weave is unattractive and undesirable. Knowing this, it’s understandable why some women who WOULD have tried it out, NOW in turn shy away from it. Don’t get me wrong though, even though I said I understood why some women would shy away, does NOT mean I myself would do that. I’m self assured with who I am as a Black woman, and I know that no hair style is going to change who I am as a person. Therefore, people can miss me with their irrelevant opinions of how I should or should not wear MY hair.

The main point I want people, especially women, to take away from this is to never let society dictate how confident you should be in wearing WHATEVER hair style you decide wear. Remember that’s YOUR crown and glory, not theirs. Don’t define yourself by society’s standards. Make your own. Know who you are as a person and don’t let outside things like hair and other people’s opinions of you cloud your confidence and self-concept. Also, for those who may or may not still have negative views toward "weave", please open your minds and take what I'm saying into consideration :).

--Tania AKA Nia Janei...THE Prototype


  1. Girl I agree go ahead preach nia!! On the real though In high school I admit I used to be one of the one's to judge people by their hair, but since i've grown up a lil i've come to understand that people should be allowed like you said to wear their hair the way they feel. India Arie said it best when she said "I am not my Hair" lol there is more to a person then they're hair. ALot of the times I noticed that most of the women who wear weaves wigs etc have long pretty hair. Also the benefits of wearing a wig weaves etc are boundless like you mentioned its convenient but it is also a great protective style-low manipulation to hair is one of the key factors to hair retention (which would explain why alot of girls that wear them retain length)!! Lol sorry to blow up your page girl but had to comment...

  2. LOL. girl you good...and like you at one point i used to have second thoughts on wearing tracks, despite the fact i wore micros for damn near 10 nevertheless, i use to feel subconscious about wearing tracks themeselves, but now that i'm grown...i realize that others' opinions of my hair don't make or break me. It's all in how you choose to look at it and how much weight you give other people's opinions when it comes to how good you choose to feel about matter how you choose to wear your hair. Thanks for reading my post!

  3. Well... I thought this was a very informal and interesting topic...It's so true what you was saying Tania that society do judge women based on their hair. I have experienced negativity about my hair especially when I got my layers plus getting relazers... People always assume that if you get a relaxer your "white" or you don't like your "kinky hair"...But I don't beleive that at all...Just as Babyjoi said about Indie Arie "I'm not my hair", it's a true statement... I feel that people who judge others for wearing weaves, braids, etc...have low self-esteem, so they use negitivity to boost up their self-esteem, which in fact doesn't go anywhere...It all boils down to, if your happy with who you are then keep it moving! Thanks for the post, I enjoyed it!!! :)

  4. aw thanks girl! i appreciate it! you should comment on my posts more often! :)

  5. Of course weave is taboo. How can we Black women put the straight hair of Indian and Korean women in our hair and feel proud of ourselves? Seriously it's time for us to be ourselves.

  6. Its unfortunate that you feel that way...but yeaaaa seeing as how a good percentage of Black women wear weave (no matter what their hair situation OR how other people feel about it) I dont feel like it SHOULD be taboo. It also important for you to realize that Black women are not the only race of women who wear does that mean that White women, and even Asian and Indian women who may wear weave are not proud of who THEY are? I don't think so. It's ridiculous that people feel they have the RIGHT to tell another person what to do with THEIR hair...keyword: THEIR. I feel like a lot of people are close minded in believing that HAIR defines who a person is or HOW they feel about themselves and their ethnic group. I am an EXTREMELY ethnoCENTRIC Black woman...and i DONT feel like that i need to validate that by the way i wear my hair. I wear my hair...weaved, relaxed, braided, whatever..they way I want...i'm still going to be a lover of black man, I'm still going to be a proponent of the advancement of Black people in my community, and i am STILL, and forever more, will be extremely proud of being a BLACK woman...that is NOT defined by how i wear my's close minded and simple minded that you would even allude to that. smh.
